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To offer a successful micro job gig your videos should be simple and quick to make, but also look and sound professional.

Today you’ll notice that quite a few of the most successful video micro job gigs include recording yourself at home. Here are a few tips to make your video look polished and professional, using simple techniques and inexpensive equipment.

You’ll need:

  1. A Smartphone, tablet, or DSLR camera with HD video function.
  2. A tripod or mini-tripod.
  3. An external microphone (if you want to record your voice)
  4. Good lighting
  5. Video editing software on your Smartphone or computer. (You can get this for free online)

Select the Right Camera

The first thing you want to decide on is how you want to record yourself. The simplest option would be your Smartphone, iPad or tablet, if you have one, simply because you can then edit your video on the same device.

If you don’t like small screens and small writing then you’ll want to export your video to your laptop or desktop for a bigger screen.

Using your DSLR will give you better quality, since they are more light-sensitive. The only additional step for working with a DSLR is that you will need to pull your footage from an SD card onto your computer to edit the footage. It will only add about 5 minutes, (but if you are doing a lot of videos, this could really increase the time spent on editing).

Select the Right Tripod

Using a tripod is the most effective step you can take to make your videos look more professional.

This is true for 2 reasons:

1. You won’t have to hold the camera while recording yourself.

2. A stable camera will look much more professional than a shaky one.

If you do not yet have a tripod here are two that would be sufficient for mounting on a table in front of you:

Mini-tripod for Smartphone, Tablet and DSLR:

Mini-tripod for your Smartphone, tablet or DSLR

If you already have a photography tripod then you can use that one to mount your camera on it. If you decide you want to use a Smartphone or tablet there are special tripod mounts that will attach your tablet to existing tripod.

Tripod mount for tablet and Smartphone

Tripod mount for your tablet:

What microphone should I use?

You will only need a microphone if you plan on recording your own voice and if you do, you will definitely need one.

Your Smartphone or DSLR does have a built-in microphone, but the problem is that they will pick up any sound in your vicinity, including the sound of the fans on your computer or the traffic outside your house and the echo in your room. Therefore you should use a microphone that is close to your mouth and only records your voice.

Here is a simple clip-on microphone 

Here is an even cheaper one, but with less sound quality

Even if you are using an external microphone, you should still try to record your video in a quiet room and turn off your computer or any other noisy devices. A smaller room with carpet will give you the best sound quality as it reduces echo. Before you start recording you should use headphones to check the sound quality. Naturally you want to get rid of the head phones before you start recording yourself.

What should I use for lighting?

The best type of lighting in natural light, since it is warmer and does not throw harsh shadows, plus it is free!

To make use of natural light you should sit in front of the window, looking out, so that the sun lights up your face. If that is not practical then you can use artificial lighting, such as your ceiling light or even better a desk light.

Just make sure that you check your image on a big screen, so as to avoid unwanted shadows across your face, under your nose or eyes. You want to show yourself in the best light!

Video Editing Software

Which type of software you want to use will depend on what device you are using. If you are working with an iPhone of iPad then I recommend iMovie, which you can purchase from the App Store for $4.99. This software allows you to add titles, music and transitions and is very intuitive.

The best way to familiarize yourself with this software is to click on the question mark icon.

If you are on an Android Smartphone then I recommend KineMaster Pro for $2.99. You can try this software for free before purchasing, but all your videos will be rendered with a water-mark.

If you have decided to film with a DSLR camera and you are editing on your computer then you can also use iMovie if you are working with a Mac or you can use Windows Live Movie Maker if you are working with a Windows PC. Both allow you to add music, titles and transitions.

If you are creating a number of videos then you should always use the same title style, music and transitions, so that you will simply have to add your new recording and you will be done in no time.

For detailed instructions on how to use video editing software you should check out the course material of Travel Videos for Profit as it includes video tutorials for both Mac and Windows users.

I recommend that you practice creating videos first, before you start offering micro job gigs, so that you will get great reviews from the start and so that you can find the most efficient and simple way to create videos. The simpler and the more efficient you are, the easier it will be to offer lots of video gigs and be successful.

Good Luck!

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