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Grubs for Dinner and Honey Ants for Dessert in the Aussie Outback Supermarket

by Ellen and David HillThere underground, nestled like silkworms in a mulberry leaf, is the witchetty grub, all fat and creamy, filled with a protein-rich almond-flavoured ooze.At eye level there’s a Grevillea bloom, pregnant with syrupy nectar, already dripping its golden sweetness on your fingers. The air hangs heavy with the heady odour of dozens […]

Life, Death, and Flame: A Balinese Cremation Ceremony

by Roy StevensonI’m overwhelmed by the loud, rhythmic sounds of people chanting and drumming. Hundreds of people swirl around in multi-colored batik sarongs and skirts. Bright sunshine … suffocating heat and humidity … a sweet perfumed smell of flowers and incense wafting across the potholed asphalt … all of this gives me sensory overload. Standing on the brown […]